The establishment of the Ontario Association of Home Inspectors Act[OAHI] by the Provincial legislature in 1994, was the first step towards protecting Ontario’s consumers. Only OAHI Registered Home Inspectors [R.H.I.] have been through the most rigorous testing and screening in the industry.
James helped set the National Standards as a member of the pilot group of inspectors who were screened and tested. He received CAHPI’s National Certificate Holder [NCH] standing in November of 2006 and has over thirty-years of experience in the Construction, Environmental, and Inspection fields. From Burcon Construction to the University of Guelph’s Environmental Studies Program, and from there to the Federal Government’s Energuide for Houses program, James has proven to be thorough, consistent, and reliable.
James is a Director of the OAHI. He also sits on the EPC, the committee responsible for the OAHI Annual Home Inspectors’ conference to ensure the ongoing improvement of the industry. He will be hosting this year’s conference February 28th through March 2nd in Oakville, Ontario.
By adhering to the OAHI Code of Ethics and surpassing the minimum Standard of Practice, “The Home Inspector Inc.” ensures top quality inspections. With a nearly perfect Homegauge Rating from more than 200 past clients you can trust James to always be thorough and educational.
Fully abridged, custom written reports, are James’ forte. There are no shortcuts to clear and concise communication.